Thursday, December 13, 2007


This year Hanukkah has been fun! Numerous parties, having family over, Adli reminding us to wear our keppas, hearing Adli sing the prayers loud and proud the last night, all the wonderful presents (Adli scored this year.....thanks everyone for spoiling him rotten ;) and way to many latkas!
We are off to warmer lands next week (Palm Springs) know how terrible Missouri winters can be and hopefully we will all return relaxed and tanned....okay I know we have a 2 year old so many be a tan :)
Here is Adli looking at the candles.....he almost looks like he is going to blow them out, but really he is saying broccoli (we say this instead of cheese - thanks Sesame Street!)

Monday, December 10, 2007

The cold Missouri winters

Winter is upon us in Missouri...okay so we have no snow and it is just about 32F but our Canadian blood is cold cold cold. Even Adli who has never lived through a Winnipeg winter is cold. Can we say the Jacobs' are soft! Here is a picture of Adli this morning, asking for his blankets and warm milk to watch elmo.....maybe Daddy needs to turn up the heat :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Adli had a special lunch at school to celebrate. His room was in charge of making cranberries. I was so lucky to be invited to lunch and WOW was the food great. Sad that very few ate the meal (adli included). Adli did enjoy grape juice, his and mine. These were the cool turkey hats that they made.
We had a wonderful time visiting Debbie, Brent, Max and Nat. Thanks for having us! Had a fabulous thanksgiving where I am still dreaming about the steak tenderloin (it was so good that it melted in my mouth and after one bite turkey was not an option). This is Adli enjoying the car ride - two blankets, his dog and way to much MacDonalds.

In other news - we wanted to let everyone know that we are expecting baby number two. On June 6th (if babies really come on due dates) our family should be one plus. We will keep you posted on the progress!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Zeda Z is in Town!

Adli's favorite Zeda Z is in town and he is having a "great time" quote from Adli. We went to the zoo (because that is Adli's favorite place and we think the zoo is pretty amazing). Here is Adli feeding the ducks/fish with Moe for added protection. Is he really watching Adli!!!!
Here is Adli and Zeda going down a slide at the zoo.
Adli went into the butterfly house but clung to me and I had to tell him over and over that butterflies don't hurt. Also that if one touches you - then you are special. Still very beautiful and it is sponsored by Monsanto

Zeda loves trains and there is a great one that goes all the way around the zoo - under waterfalls, in tunnels, and through secluded areas. Alas this day Adli decided he did NOT want to ride the train. Maybe next time Zeda!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was fun at our house - Here is Adli as a Lion going to the party put on by Monsanto. Lots of fun - balloons, face painting, games and candy. After the party we went home and got ready for trick-or-treating. Adli lasted for about 30 minutes, walked the whole way, and then thought it would be more fun to wait for kids to come to his house.

Here is Adli getting his scary pumkin put on!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Weekend in Indianaplois with the "Taller's"

Here is Adli and Evie playing in the great play room at the Taller house.
Lets focus in on what Adli is playing with. It is the aquarium crib. You think it is to late to put in his crib??
On Saturday Evie and Adli were in a parade. They got to put on their costumes (Evie a bride and Adli a Lion). The firemen gave out hats and the community gave out candy. It was fun to walk behind the fire engine (A little loud for the parents but that is okay!)

After the parade we went to the children's museum. WOW this place was great. We saw dinosaurs, and Trains (okay there was so much more but these were Adli's favorite). This picture is for you Zede. Best part of the train display is the kids could go under and look through bubbles. We had a great time - Thanks Jenni, Jim, Evie and Annalise!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Visiting with Chava and Moishe

We had a wonderful visit with Moe's parents (Chava and Moishe). The came from Winnipeg and spent the holidays with us. We do so many fun things - here are some highlights! Adli ready to go on one of our numerous adventures.......he sure has filled out the car seat (I remember when he was a little peanut and barely fit into the seat). This is also a picture of one of our new cars - Mazda 5 with enough room from 5 adults and a car seat, best part is that it has van door but it is still a car!!!!
We went the Grants farm and no not just for the free beer - Adli like the animals and of course pushing the stroller.
Chava and Moishe brought so many wonderful toys, however the favorite is the airplane - Thanks Kari-lynne for the space man, they like to fly in the plane as well.
Towers are always fun to build especially when Moishe helps!
Oh the other fun thing at Grants farm is feeding the baby goats. As you can see both Moe and Adli are enjoying themselves. We needed to add that Grant's farm is very smart they get patrons to pay to feed there animals - good little racked :).
All and all it was a fun visit and we look forward to seeing them soon.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Visit with Oma

Oma flew in from Victoria, BC Canada to visit for 2 weeks. We had a blast visiting St. Louis sites and hanging with Adli. Oma survived the heat and said she would return but maybe not in August again :) We look forward to your next visit - hopefully soon

Saturday, September 08, 2007

We went to Grants Farm in St. Louis. It was a wonderful place owned by Anahieser-Busch. You get a tour of the land (over 250 acres), feed baby goats and chickens, see elephants, feed camels (as shown by Adli), and the beatiful horses. To end you get two free adult drinks. What could get better than that!

Monday, September 03, 2007

2nd Birthday

Adli celebrated his 2nd birthday this week. To start the festivities Adli woke to a kitchen and fruit/veggie stand. This is what it looked like when he started......

and this is what the kitchen looked like while the chef was in! We think he likes it. My favorite is the Elmo shoes - thanks Oma!

And this is the delivery option. Moe has just enjoyed a hamburger, hot dog and banana's.....oh but wait the delivery boy stole the hot dog bun!!!
After all the deliveries are complete the chef must rest!

Besides enjoying all his presents. Adli had cake at school with all his friend (pictures to come) and then we had dinner out with his friend Logan. A pretty busy day with lots of sugar for a little boy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I think we have the cutiest child ever :)

For all those sleepless nights and numerous tanrums it all disapears when you see a face like this. Aldi is turning two in exactly 2 weeks and Moe and I can not believe how wonderful our lives have changed.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

3 Months Later

Okay Okay so I know it has been forever since I have done a sorry.....
Lets update you all on the summer in St. Louis. Well it is HOT - Hotter than I thought a place could be, so we have been focusing on indoor activities. In fact we tell Adli it is too hot to play outside and now he says "To hot mommy - stay inside". Thank goodness the winters are mild to make up for it. Here are a couple pictures of us having fun. As you can see watermelon is even better with LARGE utensils

On Saturday morning we have started the tradition of having Moe made blueberry pancake and for Adli his special request is BACON (don't worry it is turkey:) - However Moe would prefer the other white meat. If you look closely in the photo you can see the cantaloupe - Adli like his is ball fancy

Adli is making great progress on toilet training - at school he used the toilet for peeing and we were told today that he woke up dry after nap. Home is a completely different story - no peeing in the potty. Anyhow I found Calvin Klein boxer-brief shorts and we used them for sleeping..but gosh isn't this cute! One day soon we hope he will be wearing them for real.

I promise to update more often - thanks for your patience and gentle reminders

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Adli's first kiss!

Lessons from Dad on how to get a girl.
Number 1: Dress well and look cute

Number 2: Complement on how great her outfit that is a great G! Watch out where you touch - it might be considered as too quick of an advance

Number 3: Watch for a response and smile (works with all the girls!)
Number 4: Go in for the kiss (and aim for the lips - Adli still needs to work on this part). Dad is proud to see how fast Adli works with the laddies.

Special thanks to Sadie for being Adli's first kiss!

A true boy!

I think as true boy it is okay to have your shirt off and show your love for yogourt!

Look Zadie - when mom is not looking I like to sit on my train table and watch my Thomas go round and round!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

2 months since our last post!

Wow life has been busy in the Jacobs' house. In March we went to the Maize Meetings in Chicago (okay outside Chicago in a subdivision called St. Charles). Fun meetings. The following week we all flew to Winnipeg for 10 days for Passover. Spent some great times with the Family.

Here is a photo of Jen and Adli at the airport - Jen looks calm but on this insides was screaming for a drink! Just Kidding Dad!

One morning Cousin Jonah, Adli, Jen, Moe and Morley enjoyed the pool at the JCC - This pool rocks, zero clearance entrance and a slide.

Adli loved running around Moe's parents house - here is Adli with his favorite shirt on (Cookies Monster) saying where are you to Moe's Dad....he loved being chased by him, however Adli still won't say Moishe......we are working hard on this :)

After the Winnipeg trip we got great news the Moe got a position with Monsanto. He is a functional Architect. Okay he is not building anything, he is the liaison between the scientist and the computer scientist. He started 1 week ago and seems to be enjoying things. In bad news the 91 dodge spirit was in a car accident with a H3 and the outcome was not good.......we put the spirit too rest in car heaven. However, the Jacobs' are the proud owner of TWO new cars!!!!! We got twins :) Faternal!
Moe has a black Mazda 5 and Jen has a silver PT Cruiser.
Life is good in St. Louis and we are finally getting into a routine.... I will try to keep up with blogging!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our Trip to Minneapolis

We spent the last couple of day in Minneapolis. My mom had her Ph.D. defence, which she told me she passed....never got to go, but Yeah Mom! Instead I spent the day with Gregory, Amanda, Aaron and Tobi....much more fun. On Saturday Gregory, Amanda, Dadda, Brent, Debbie and Max all went to the childrens museum... So much fun. I spent Sunday morning with Jenni, Jim, Evie and Annalise. Breakfast was great, Jenni is a fabulous cook. We stayed with Debbie, Brent and Max - It was fabulous and they had great hospitality and yummy food. Staying with Max I learnt one parents are holding out on me, Max has fun toys! Come on Mom and Dadda!!!

Here are some pictures with Max in the tub!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Having Fun with Floor

All this flour and no one to share it with.....

Just kidding! I am having fun with my classmates at the JCC. These are my friends Richard, Kalie and Owen.

So do you like the flour in my hair........ it makes me look older right?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Life in St. Louis - Jan 2007

Mom and Dad already have me pulling all nighters, working on the computer, answering calls and writing......gosh I don't even know my numbers yet!!
I think I look pretty good out ladies!

We took this picture in the middle of the night. He sure looks happy on his pillow and two favorite blankets and one spare (you never know when you need an extra blanket!)
About a week ago we actually got lots of snow - I will report exactly 1 week later we have none. Anyhow, Adli is not a big fan of snow. Looks like he missed the "Canadian - snow genes"

We signed Adli up for swim class and he loves it. The pool is a walk in and there is a vortex pool - so cool. I like because it is warm!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Summary of the last few weeks

We seem to go to Sam's club a lot! Enough that Adli knows the sign from the outside no matter which location...eliciting the following, "Cookie, cookie, cookie" then "Hot dog, hot dog, hot dog".

We are learning our body parts...which can be a hazard pointing out eyes without having a finger put into your own eye... so Adli now knows "Eye brow" which is much safer. Here Adli is checking out if his tongue is bigger.

At the mall, again! Here is a picture just for Uncle Sam on a trike. Practicing so we can double, I'll be back to collect that Harley! Do my feet need to touch? Better get some training wheels.