Friday, December 05, 2008

Very Cute

Babies are so darn cute! This Mazie at 6 month......time flies by!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fun with Pumpkins

This weekend we were off to the pumpkin patch with out friends the Gornet. Here is Mazie choosing her pumpkin. Adli and Josh enjoying a ride through the patch.....not by a tractor but by daddy power!
Ooooh which one will Adli choose - tough decisions.
This is the one Mom!

Friday, September 19, 2008

3 year old, 3 almost 4 months, State fair, B-day, back to work!

I need to start this post by apologizing for not posting in almost 2 month. We have been having so much fun :) Since our last post we have been to the state fair in Iowa (Had so much fun - thanks Wade), went back to work part-time, had visitors from Indianapolis (The Taller Girls - we had a ball), had a 3rd birthday party at Grants Farm (Adli's school mates), went back to work full time, and Mazie adjusted to childcare (finally would take a bottle after 3 weeks - stubborn like her mom :). Here are a couple of pictures of our fun. Adli at the botanical gardens "viewing" the touchable, climbable art.
Mazie showing off her cutieness at 3 month - is she not the cutiest baby around :)

The State fair family picture! We are going to make this a family tradition....Adli fell in love at the fair with Wade's niece Ali....aaaaaaaa. Adli is sporting the cool animal zoo hat, but while we were at the fair we got him a cowboy impress Ali his love in her pink one

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Life with TWO kids!

Life is crazy with two expected. Mazie is now 6 weeks - 10 lbs and growing strong. Here is a picture of Mazie sticking her tongue out. We have had lots of family visiting since Mazie's birth which has been so much fun. We finally explored St. Louis and it is not a bad city. We got a fun package from Kari that included Robbeez for Mazie, T-shirt for Adli and stickers all with the Canadian help us remember our roots. Thanks - see Adli below giving a big thanks. Don't worry everyone - Adli already has his Canadian citizenship and can name the Canadian flag better than the US and Mazie will have her soon. And Yes we are working on the kids to say eh :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Mazie and Adli

Here are some pictures of the professional photos that were taken (as to not violate copyright laws) of Adli and Mazie. All is well here.....definitely getting much less sleep but have had lots of help. My parents were here visiting (Thanks) and now Moe's parents are here. On Friday Moe's sister, husband and kids are coming. Adli is so excited that his older cousin Jonah is coming to visit!!!! Okay so excited that I can't even explain. Adli has it all planned out to what places we need to visit. Anyone got any suggestions??

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Fathers day to my Dad and Moe's Dad! I also want to give a special Happy Father's Day to Moe. He is the proud father of two children that love him dearly and a wife that thinks he is the greatest dad ever!

Moe and Adli at Grant's Farm......yes there is more there than free beer!
Moe with his new daughter Mazie

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Welcome Mazie Carolyn Jacobs!

Welcome Mazie! She was born June 3rd, 2008 at 1:52pm weighing 8 pounds 1 oz and is 20 1/2 inches long. Here she is hanging with Dad
Adli came to the hospital to visit. Adli is checking Mazie's head and then her toes.
Adli also had fun with Mazie's baby hat - pretty amazing that it also fit Adli's head. We are all doing fine and should be home from the hospital on Thursday.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Last Month

Here is our update from St. Louis - I am still pregnant. Today I am 38 weeks and my biggest complaint is how big and round I am (will not show picture - I will spare you all) and how ugly my ankles are......I was told I have kankle :). Don't worry my blood pressure is good and the doctor says this is one of the joys of pregnancy. As soon as something happens we will put a post!
Adli got to spend some great time with family - here is a picture with Chava!

This is one of my favorite pictures - Adli with his cousin Jonah after swimming with Chava and Moishe.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fun with Adli

This past weekend there was an open house at our favorite community center - we go swimming there almost every Sunday. Adli got to ride on his first horse.
And enjoy the blow-up bouncy all to himself. He had a great time!
However, this was priceless. When we checked on Adli on Friday night this is what we found. I am not sure what was funnier.....the 30 books in his bed, the sprawled arms, belly showing - sleeping short........he almost looks like he is passed out from a late night bender. I guess this just shows the power books can have on a little one....they are intoxicating :)

Elle Talia Lockhart

Here is a picture of our new niece - she is sure darn cute! I can hardly wait to hold this little one

New Baby!

Just wanted to pass along the great news the we have a new baby in the it is not mine (I still have 5 weeks to go). Auntie Stephi, Uncle Darwin and cousin Jonah have a new arrival of a sweet little girl. She was born April 23rd, 2008 at 11:02pm. She is 7lbs and was named Elle Talia Lockhart. Congrats! (I was never sent a picture so I had to improvise :)

Monday, April 07, 2008

Fun Weekend

We had a really busy weekend from going to the wildlife preserve where Adli got to shot an air gun, having our basement framed, to going to the play ground, enjoying a Passover get-to-gether and having a playdate. However this was by far the funniest.
Here is a ordinary blue laundry basket.....I was doing laundry Saturday morning when wait......
It started to run away.........Laundry baskets don't do this :)
ooooH this is a special laundry basket........... an Adli basket!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Zoo and Jen's Birthday

The previous weekend we took Adli to the Zoo. He had a great time and really liked the carousel. Did you know every animal on this carousel is present at the zoo? We started on the giraffe and then moved to the horse (the giraffe did not move up and down). Upon moving to the new animal, I was told "no help mama"....... my little boy is growing up :(
This weekend was my birthday.....another year old. My Husband got this amazing cake for my b-day and I needed to show it off......... I have such a great husband!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This weekend Adli decided that we wanted to get dress in "clean" PJs, so he went to the closet and found some 4t's and put them on. Really his feet are not this big! Downstairs Moe and I were cooking breakfast and it got really quiet in the family room. When we checked on Adli this is what we saw!
For our Saturday outing we went to ToysRus. While Adli and I were in the wash room cleaning a not pleasant diaper we returned to this in our cart. Moe found it and said Adli needed one. I agreed because the box was really small. When we got home it was another story! This garage is huge. Alas Adli and Moe think it is really cool, so that is all the matters.
On Sunday morning it was my turn to make breakfast and my skills are not at the same level as Moe's. Adli and I made cinnamon buns from a tube. It was a fun working with Adli and as you can see eating our hard work was fun as well. The love of cinnamon buns is a genetic trait passed from generation to generation :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

The weekend!

This weekend was Adli's first Purim party. He dressed as King David and if I do say so he looks pretty regal! It was sponsored by the Jewish federation and the party involved story telling, lots of fun crafts and a yummy snack of hamentaschen. On Sunday Adli relaxed in a fun pair of pants that Oma gave him. Thanks for the ambulance and rescue truck pants - Adli found them in the closet and even put them on himself!!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Washington DC

We had a great time in DC. This was a family/work trip. Moe and I went to the maize meetings and Bev and Morley joined us to help with Adli. All and all a fun time. Here is a picture of Adli with FDR's dog. If you touch his ears it is suppose to bring good luck - Adli liked his feet
After numerous long and adventurous days - Adli would fall asleep with his reading light on (Can't really tell in this picture but the room is completely dark with just the little light). The yellow blanket is called his "Giggi"
We took Adli twice the the museum of natural history and he LOVED the dinosaurs
Oh and then Moe picked up this great necklace for me - Now what dress will I wear this with. Okay so if I had tried to take this home I would be in jail - I guess the hope diamond will have to stay at the museum :)
Also they let Adli hold a cockroach. I told the lady that she would have to put her hand to catch because there was NO way I could touch it - freaked me out! Adli thought it was sooooo cool and was very proud of himself.
We then went to the air and space museum and Adli was not sure if these were real or not. This was a fun trip, saw lots more than shown and even learned about cool science stuff. Just to give everyone a little dose of science "The corn genome is sequenced!"

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mexico and Snow?

I just got back from a week of work in Mexico. It was a beautiful resort, however we got very little time to have free-time. Lots of talking science and presenting, so no great tan for me.
Monsanto did take everyone on an outing. I chose golf, however as you can tell from this picture maybe someone in my condition should not be doing this. I had this belly that kept getting in the way!!! This is what I look like at 6.5 months can you imagine what I will look like at the end :)
When I got back to St. Louis we had snow. Moishe built a family of snowmen. Aren't we cute!
Adli loved paying in the snow - as you can tell by the fleece that he is wearing that it is probably 36F. Adli was having a ball putting his blue chair in the snow and sitting on a snow bank (Zeda, you still need to fix this Adli will tell you)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The life of Adli!

Some fun pictures from Palm Springs - Adli taking pictures just like Daddy. Feeding Giraffe's at the Palm Springs Living Desert. This way pretty neat!

We started another round of swimming lesson but at a new pool with a very nice teacher named Megan. Adli is doing very well in the class, but does not always like working on his kicking, especially on his back
Megan told all the kids that they could use goggles for swimming. Adli liked them at home, but not in the pool. Do you like the icing on his cheek? We made cinnamon buns for breakfast.

Two weeks past we took Adli to the zoo and because it has been pretty cold here we only visited in the indoor animals. Adli really liked the monkeys or did they like him.....